Here’s how it works…

Art Office sessions are twelve weeks long and held three times per year. The program is completely virtual, and open to artists of any kind, anywhere in the world.

Most Art Office members join for one of two reasons: to add fuel to their creative practice in general, or to put the heat on a specific project.

Every Sunday during the session, members get together on Zoom for our weekly Staff Meeting, during which we share progress from the week before, and goals for the week ahead.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, we convene again for two hours, simply to work. We think of it like a work shift. It’s always surprising how much we get done in that short amount of time! There’s nothing like good old peer pressure!

Throughout the session, each member artist has the opportunity to be interviewed about their current project or creative practice over Instagram. These “Open Studio Interviews” are conducted LIVE, last between 10-20 minutes, and are available on our Instagram page afterward.

Once a month, the whole team has a well-deserved Happy Hour together, to wind down and be social. Getting to know each other builds camaraderie and helps us hold each other accountable.

New to the program Fall of 2022, Art Office is proud to invite the public to join our new guest lecture event series “Word to the Wise” over Zoom. These events will be free and open to anyone interested in learning more about motivation in a creative environment, and Art Office in general.

We’ll also be starting a new “Buddy System” for extra accountability and engagement. At the beginning of the session, everyone will be assigned a different team member to be their “Office Buddy,” and they’ll commit to checking in on each other regularly throughout the program.

Another fun addition to the program we’ll be exploring this session is getting creative about different ways to engage with the public that don’t involve social media. I’m personally very excited about this. Screen addiction is real!

And that’s the skeleton of how it works, but let me tell you a little bit more. There are some fun features that give Art Office some real substance. First of all, we are big proponents of the idea that your creativity is interconnected to your physical body. So we require that members take two calisthenics breaks every work day (you can see the regimen we follow under the “Calisthenics” tab).

Another delightful aspect of Art Office is that we have a Compensation Program! Here’s how this feature works: each member artist sets their own “worth rate,” and keeps track of their hours throughout the week. They submit their hours weekly and we mail out “paychecks” of their earnings. It’s not a real check––however, it is a real voucher. Every hour worked (up to twenty per week) represents a discount off future session fees, Art Office merch, or cubicle rental at our future physical location.

Oh! And one last thing–– we do Employee of the Month! This honor goes to the employee who has followed the program best.

Art Office has gone through several morphs and moltings since coming into the world in 2020. It’s a new concept, with little-to-no existing comparisons, so we remain a flexible experiment of sorts, adding on elements and ideas that make sense, and pruning where needed. That being said, the foundational concept has stayed the same throughout its young life. And that’s because it works. The regimen we prescribe is and will always be based on personal reflection, peer interconnection, and public engagement.

Ready to apply? We’re always accepting applications! Head over to the “Membership” tab to learn more, and follow us on social to find out when our next session begins!